Episode #2: Lovingkindness Meditation

Episode #2: Lovingkindness Meditation

When you suffer from OCD, Eating Disorders, Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors, Anxiety Disorders Depression, or low self-esteem, it is easy to say cruel things to ourselves and devalue our worth, just because we are struggling mentally.  A lot of my clients present with a sense that they are not worthy of love, compassion and self-care.   One might criticize themselves for struggling to stop doing compulsive behaviors, or for the way they look, or for being “less than” in one or many ways.   While yes, these are difficult to manage, they are not an indication that we are not worthy of love and kindness.
Lovingkindness is a great way to practice compassion and self care in your life.  In a society that over-values the way we look, productivity and materialism, lovingkindness can bring us back to the fact that we are all one, and we are all worthy of love.   Yes, YOU!  Every singe one of us.   We are not worthy of love because we are better than someone else, or smarter, or faster, or prettier.  We are not NOT worthy of love because we are suffering.   We are ALL worthy because we all come to this earth to love.  I believe this strongly.
I hope this podcast resonates with you.  It is here for you to use as much as you like.  Enjoy!

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Episode #1: The Skill of Non-Judgment

Episode #1: The Skill of Non-Judgment

Hello!!!!  And welcome to Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast.
A few months ago, a dear childhood friend of mine contacted me, asking for advice and support for her anxiety.   This close friendpodcast-pic-300x300 lives far, far away from me, in my home country of Australia. After living a beautiful 21 years in a picturesque rural area in northern New South Wales, I moved to Los Angeles, California, where I have become a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, specializing in anxiety disorders and mindfulness.
The moment I heard about her struggles, my heart ached.   There was little I could do from so far away, except to offer resources and online support.  I couldn’t even be there to give her a hug, which is such a powerful way to help someone who is going through these struggles.   And in that moment, this podcast was born.
My hope is that these podcasts will provide tools and support to those who are alone in the fight against anxiety and other mental health issues.   My goal is to offer at least one podcast per month, providing tools and education about anxiety management and stress reduction.
Please note; these podcasts are not meant to replace appropriate individualized or group treatment. Like the name of this podcast, Your Anxiety Toolkit, each podcast will simply provide tools that you can put in your toolkit and use when needed.  If you need help finding the correct treatment, please leave me a message using my contact page on my website, kimberleyquinlan-lmft.com. I will do my best to direct you toward treatment options that might suit your needs.
Enjoy! And, don’t be afraid to leave a comment or ask questions below in the comments section.
PS: If you are interested, feel free to subscribe to these podcasts using iTunes or at Libsyn.com

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