Does OCD Affect Sleep? Win the battle for better sleep

Many findings have shown that those with OCD also suffer from sleep disturbances.

OCD is a terribly exhausting mental health condition. Sufferers can find themselves trapped in a spiral of painful obsessions and intrusive thoughts and lose hours of their day performing compulsive behaviors in the hope of finding a moment’s peace.

But it doesn’t end there.

Beyond having to manage those obsessions and compulsions day in and day out, they also have to manage heavy feelings of uncertainty, guilt, shame, and unworthiness.


Perfectionism anxiety

Perfectionism Anxiety (and the Dreaded Perfectionist Trap) | Ep. 355

Perfectionism anxiety almost destroyed my life. If you are someone who suffers from perfectionism, you know exactly what it’s like to be stuck in the perfectionistic trap. It’s hell, quite frankly. We’re here today to talk about how to overcome perfectionism and how to create a life where you can still succeed. You can still do the things you want just without being constantly anxious and depressed and never feeling like you’re enough.  (more…)

OCD and Drinking: Does alcohol make OCD worse?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts, obsessions, and compulsions that can significantly impact a person’s daily life. 

For individuals struggling with OCD, finding ways to manage their symptoms and maintain a sense of control feels crucial. 

However, some individuals may turn to alcohol as a means of coping with their OCD, which raises an important question: Does alcohol make OCD worse? (more…)

Does Stress Make OCD Worse? (Managing OCD and stressful life events)

“Does stress make OCD worse?” is a common question among our OCD clients.

The simple answer here is, yes, stress can make OCD symptoms worse.

If you struggle with OCD and you notice that your obsessions and compulsions have intensified during a particularly stressful time, then please know that this is very common.

While stress does give OCD new fears to latch onto (thanks, OCD!), there are highly effective ways of managing and reducing stress which in turn will alleviate OCD symptoms.


23 of the Best Books for OCD Recovery

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD is a common and debilitating disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Those who struggle with OCD experience unwanted and repetitive thoughts, leading to compulsions that can take over their lives. 

While professional treatment is crucial, there are several great books on OCD that can provide valuable insights, coping strategies, and a sense of support.

Without further delay, let’s take a look at 23 of the best books for OCD on the market. (more…)

When social media causes anxiety and depression

When Social Media Causes Anxiety (and Depression) | Ep. 353

[00:00:00] If social media causes anxiety, you will find this incredibly validated. Today, we are covering the nine reasons why social media causes anxiety and depression, and we will get specific about how you can overcome social media anxiety and depression. In a way that feels right to you, so let’s go.


Will My OCD get worse over time?

“Will my OCD get worse over time?” is a common question asked by those with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

In this article, we’re going to explore what may increase the severity of OCD symptoms, and the many options that are available to you to combat those symptoms.

It’s important to understand that we cannot predict when or how OCD will worsen, only that certain components can play a significant role. Stress, comorbidities, life circumstances, and – you guessed it – engaging in compulsions can all increase the severity and intensity of OCD symptoms.



Am I doing ERP correctly? 3 Common OCD Traps | Ep. 352

Am I doing ERP correctly? This is a common roadblock I see every week in my private practice. I think it is a common struggle for people with anxiety and OCD. Today, we will talk about the three common OCD traps people fall into and how you can actually outsmart your OCD and overcome it.
