Living with Depression: Daily Routines for Mental Wellness

Living with Depression: Daily Routines for Mental Wellness | Ep. 373

In the realm of mental health, the significance of structured daily routines for depression cannot be overstated. Kimberley Quinlan, an anxiety specialist with a focus on mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and self-compassion, emphasizes the transformative impact that Daily Routines for Depression can have on individuals grappling with this challenging condition.

Depression, characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in once-enjoyable activities, affects every aspect of one’s life. Quinlan stresses that while professional therapy and medication are fundamental in the treatment of depression, integrating specific daily routines into one’s lifestyle can offer a complementary path toward recovery and mental wellness. (more…)

EP 372 - Joanna Hardis

Increasing Distress Tolerance (with Joanna Hardis) | Ep. 372

In the insightful podcast episode featuring Joanna Hardis, author of “Just Do Nothing: A Paradoxical Guide to Getting Out of Your Way,” listeners are treated to a deep dive into the concept of distress tolerance and its pivotal role in mental health and personal growth. Joanna Hardis, with her extensive background in treating anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, OCD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, shares her professional and personal journey toward understanding and teaching the art of effectively managing internal discomfort without resorting to avoidance or escape tactics. (more…)