Special Announcement
I can barely hold in my excitement!
We have a three-day live event where I will teach a new course called Overcoming Depression.
![Overcoming Depression](https://kimberleyquinlan-lmft.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Overcoming-Depression-copy-1024x576.jpg)
I have had all of this passion show up in my body after seeing loved ones and clients struggle and after you guys repeatedly asking for a course on depression.
Our new online course called Overcoming Depression is finally here.
I will record it live on March 11th, 18th and 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
If you are interested, please join me, and I will teach you LIVE, and you can ask all your questions.
NOTE: This course will not be considered therapy. Just like all of our courses, it will be educational.
Overcoming Depression will be me teaching you the skills I teach my clients when it comes to Psychoeducation and strategies and tools to overcome depression.
Head over to CBTSCHOOLcom/depression to sign up!
I am so excited to have you guys join me live.
- Ask your questions in the question box.
- We will tackle not only your negative thinking but also
- your behaviors
- your motivation
- Self-compassion
- Long-term recovery techniques
I’m so excited and hope to see you there.
SIGN UP at CBTschool.com/depression