If you have ever experienced the discomfort of a panic attack, you will appreciate this episode.

When it comes to managing Panic, there is a lot of bad advice out there.  I often have clients come to me reporting that they have been trying to “Stop Panicking” for years, only to find that nothing was working.  They report painfully fast heart rates, tight chests, and fear that they will die.  If you have experienced this, you are definitely not alone.

In today’s podcast, I will share with you My 5 Favorite Tips for Managing Panic Attacks (or Anxiety Attacks).

As I mention in the episode, these are not the ONLY tips you need, but they are super important ones and ones I share often with my clients.  These mindfulness tools are SUPER helpful in managing your mindset and perspective on anxiety.

I hope they help you on your journey to managing anxiety, panic, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and other struggles related to fear and worry.

Forward we go,
