Mental Compulsions Metaphor ep 193

Ep. 193 A quick metaphor for mental compulsions

This is Your Anxiety Toolkit – Episode 193.

Hello, my loves, how are you?

So, recently, I’ve been having lots of conversations with my patients and my clients around one really helpful metaphor around managing mental compulsions. (more…)

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Your Anxiety Toolkit with Kimberley Quinlan

Ep. 192: Scheduling for Anxiety Management

This is Your Anxiety Toolkit – Episode 192.

Welcome back, everybody. I am really excited to do this episode with you. It’s a little bit different to episodes I’ve done in the past, which might be why I’m really excited about it, but it is a skill I have been practicing for several months. No, maybe more than that. I would actually say closer to six months to a year, and I was reflecting on, what are the things that… I took a lot about mindfulness skills and a lot about therapy skills and cognitive behavioral therapy skills, but is there something I haven’t really talked about in terms of just lifestyle? And I thought this, of all the topics, is probably one of the things that helps me manage my anxiety and depression the most, literally the most. In fact, I would go as far as to say it has been probably one of the most important things that has helped me recover in my recovery, and I’m really excited to share it with you. (more…)

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Your Anxiety Toolkit with Kimberley Quinlan

Ep. 191: Managing a Chronic Illness

This is Your Anxiety Toolkit – Episode 191.

Well, welcome friends. How are you? How are you doing really? I want you to reflect for a second on just that… on just that question. How are you?

I have not prepared for this episode. I just thought I would sit down and take some time to reflect some of, I’m sure, what I reflect on will be the first time I’ve reflected on it and not just that for reflecting with you. (more…)

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Your Anxiety Toolkit with Kimberley Quinlan

Ep. 190: Ask Better Questions

This is Your Anxiety Toolkit – Episode 190.

Welcome back, everybody. Hello, Happy Friday, for those of you who are listening on the release day, and happy day to you who are not.

Okay. Well, how are you? How is everybody doing? I am sitting in my bedroom. We’ve actually had to completely rearrange because our life is changing so much here at the Quinland house. Kids are at school and people are in and out of the house, and it’s very, very different. (more…)

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Your Anxiety Toolkit with Kimberley Quinlan

Episode 189: Understanding Shame (with Mike Heady)

Welcome to Your Anxiety Toolkit. I’m your host, Kimberley Quinlan. This podcast is fueled by three main goals. The first goal is to provide you with some extra tools to help you manage your anxiety. Second goal, to inspire you. Anxiety doesn’t get to decide how you live your life. And number three, and I leave the best for last, is to provide you with one big, fat virtual hug, because experiencing anxiety ain’t easy. If that sounds good to you, let’s go. (more…)

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Your Anxiety Toolkit with Kimberley Quinlan

Ep. 188: How to Tolerate Uncomfortable Sensations

Welcome to Your Anxiety Toolkit. I’m your host, Kimberley Quinlan. This podcast is fueled by three main goals. The first goal is to provide you with some extra tools to help you manage your anxiety. Second goal, to inspire you. Anxiety doesn’t get to decide how you live your life. And number three, and I leave the best for last, is to provide you with one big, fat virtual hug, because experiencing anxiety ain’t easy. If that sounds good to you, let’s go. (more…)

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Your Anxiety Toolkit with Kimberley Quinlan

Ep. 187: Health Anxiety with Christian Newman

Welcome back to another episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast.  Today we have on Christian Newman, the Health Anxiety Coach, to continue our discussion on health anxiety.  Christian was on the podcast a while back and because we get so many questions about health anxiety, we decided it would be great to have him on again to answer some of your questions.  On this episode, Christian answers “How do I know if my symptoms are anxiety or something else?”, “Is there anything other than CBT and ERP that I can use to treat health anxiety?”, “How do I stop googling my symptoms?”, “How do I stop focusing on sensations?”, and “How do I learn to accept a doctor’s diagnosis?” Christian also shares a bit about his 30 day detox program to help you recover from health anxiety. (more…)

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Your Anxiety Toolkit with Kimberley Quinlan

Ep. 186: 8 Tips to Manage Your BFRB

Welcome back to another episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit podcast.  Today, we are going to talk about BFRB’s. Now, a BFRB is body-focused repetitive behavior. Many of you know, I am an Anxiety Specialist; I specialize in OCD and OCD-related disorders. Those related disorders can involve body-focused repetitive behaviors including hair pulling, skin picking, and nail-biting. (more…)

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Your Anxiety Toolkit with Kimberley Quinlan

Ep. 185: Allow Yourself to Sit Still

Welcome back to another episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast.  Today I want to talk to you about a question that recently was asked by one of my awesome Instagram followers.  This person asked me “Kimberley, how do I relax and be self-compassionate when I suddenly find myself with extra time on my hands?” This is such a fantastic question and a really timely one as well.  So today we are going to discuss the skill of sitting still.  Ask yourselves “When was the last time you allowed yourself to sit still?” and “When was the last time you allowed the discomfort you may be feeling to just be there?” (more…)

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Your Anxiety Toolkit with Kimberley Quinlan

Ep. 184: What is Panic Disorder? with Joshua Fletcher

Welcome back to another episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast.  Today we have on the amazing Joshua Fletcher who some of you may know from Instagram as Anxiety Josh.  Joshua is a psychotherapist in the UK as well as someone with lots of lived experience with anxiety disorders.  He is here today to talk to us specifically about panic attacks and panic disorder. (more…)

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