294 Can correcting out thoughts become a compulsion Your anxiety toolkit

Ep. 294 Can Correcting Thoughts Become a Compulsion?


Correcting thoughts can but a very helpful tool to use when you notice that you have lots of thought errors.  However, in some cases, correcting thoughts can become a compulsion.  In this episode, ask the question, “Can correcting thoughts become a compulsion?” And review what you can do to make sure you are not engaging too much in the content of your thoughts.  (more…)

Ep 293 I made a mistake Your anxiety toolkit

Ep. 293 I Screwed Up…What Now?

This is Your Anxiety Toolkit – Episode 293.

You guys, I’ve totally screwed up. Oh my God, it’s going to be one of those episodes where I laugh a lot. Maybe not. Who knows?  (more…)

Ep 292 Uncomfortable Sensations Your anxiety toolkit

Ep. 292 Uncomfortable Sensations


In this episode, we explore how to manage uncomfortable sensations. Many people do not struggle with intrusive thoughts and intrusive images, but instead, struggle to manage intrusive sensations. My hope is that this will give you some tools to manage these uncomfortable sensations and help you reduce how many compulsions you do to reduce or remove these feelings. (more…)

Ep 291 Tips to Manage Depression Your anxiety toolkit

Ep. 291 Tips to Manage Depression


A few months ago, I posted on social media and asked “What are your best tips for depression” and the response was incredible.  Hundreds of people weighed in and shared their best tips for managing depression with OCD and other anxiety disorders.   (more…)