Ep.127: Using ACT to Get You Unstuck with Giulia Suro, Ph.D., Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast Host Kimberley Quinlan Host

Welcome back to another episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast. Today we have a very special guest, Giulia Suro, Ph.D., who is going to talk to us about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and how we can use ACT tools in our everyday life. Giulia is a psychologist in private practice in the Washington, D.C. area. She is passionate about ACT and helping her clients develop a new way of looking at their thoughts and feelings. Giulia does such a beautiful job of bringing these ACT tools to us in a compassionate and articulate manner. Thank you, Giulia!

In this episode, we address how Acceptance and Commitment Therapy centers on the concept of mindfulness. We learn that ACT is really quite unique because anyone can use the tools regardless of the struggles they are facing. Giulia discusses how fighting or resisting those struggles can impact us in the long term and we learn that ACT involves moving towards our values. We also address the core ACT tools that Giulia uses in her daily life and in her practice, such as, the Bullseye worksheet (link below). 

Giulia Suro beautifully addresses the following questions with grace, care, and expertise: 

What is ACT? 

Why do we use ACT In everyday life? 

How can it complement our recovery/wellness plan? 

What tools does she use with her clients? 

What tools does she personally use? 

What struggles does she see some of her clients go through when practicing ACT?

Giulia’s Website: www.giuliasuro.com
Instagram @drgiuliasuro
Workbook: Learning To Thrive

Bullseye Worksheet

BFRB SCHOOL is here!
Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling)
Compulsive Skin Picking
Compulsive Nail Biting