100th Episode Virtual Party!

Ep. 100 The Mental Health Virtual Party of The Year OCD Anxiety Guest Interview Inspiration Depression ERP Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast Kimberley Quinlan

Welcome to another episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast.  This episode is a very special one for us.  We are celebrating out 100th Episode and we are having a VIRTUAL PARTY! At this party, we want you to celebrate this wonderful community of brave and courageous people who stand by each other as we go through hard things and we do hard things.

For this virtual party, we invited some of our favorite guests and asked them to share some wisdom, a funny story or dance the night away with us. 

First up, we have Ethan Smith who was on Ep. 53 (How Advocacy “Keeps Me Well”: Interview with Ethan Smith OCD Advocate) and he starts the evening off in the most glamorous way. 

Sheva Rajaee who was Ep 45 (FIVE Roadblocks to Anxiety Recovery (w/ Sheva Rajaee) shares a wonderful story about Octopi and how adaptable they (and we) are.  

Chris Tronsdon who was on Ep 97 (The Emotional Stages of Recovery – Rebuilding Life After OCD with Chris Tronsdon) shared a wonderful and inspiring story of having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and then led us into a fabulous dance. 

Nathalie Maragoni from Ep 65 shared her love for our community and how proud she is of us all. 

Shala Nicely from Ep 16 (Guilt, Shame and being “SO OCD” with CBT ROCKSTAR Shala Nicely), Ep 36 (This EASY tool Might Change Your Way of Coping with Anxiety with Shala Nicely) and Ep 78 (Tips To Help You Share Your Mental Illness With Others) Shared her words of wisdom and also has a wonderful and generous gift she is sharing with the OCD community. 

Catherine DeMonte from Ep 95 (Love vs. Fear with Catherine DeMonte) shared a wonderful piece about how we must choose love over fear and allow love to lead us.  Catherine always has beautiful things to share with us. 

Jon Hershfield from Ep 42 (Dispelling The Myths About Managing Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) And Ep 85 (Harm OCD with Jon Hershfield) as always brings humor and wit to our interactions.  

Michelle Massi from Ep 84 (How to Manage Social Anxiety (with guest, Michelle Massi, LMFT) Beautifully shares what she loved about being on Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast and we 100% cannot wait to have you back on Michelle. 

Alegra Kastens, our fabulous and hard-working CBT School assistant gives us a huge dose of inspiration and support with her beautiful words of hope and faith.  Thank you, Alegra! 

Of course, no party is complete without Jeremy Quinlan from Ep 99 (Making The Choice to Embrace Panic with Jeremy Quinlan) who shows us late and always causes trouble.  Thank you, Jeremy, for showing your handsome face! 

 The lovely and wise Zoe Gillis from Ep 19 (Nature just might be the ULTIMATE Mindfulness Tool with Zoe Gillis) shared how she experiences parties and brings a unique and thoughtful approach to our 100th episode (always making me think outside the box).

And, true to form, Patrick McGrath from Ep 64 (Don’t Try Harder, Try Different with Patrick McGrath) brings his hilarious jokes and firm direction for those who are working on anxiety and recovery.  

And, last but not least, Chrissie Hodges from Ep. 67 (Grieving the Losses of Mental Illness) shares a powerful message for those who are in the throes of anxiety and OCD recovery.  I just adore her thoughts and wisdom.  

I cannot thank you all enough for all of your support and excitement. Thank you for joining us for this virtual party!  I have loved every minute of this podcast…all the minutes of recording, editing, and preparing.  Thank you so much, CBT School community! Here is to another 100!