Managing Sleep Anxiety Sleep Hygiene Caffeine Intake OCD Depression Anxious Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast host Kimberley Quinlan

Welcome back to another episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit.  Today, we are talking all about Managing Sleep Anxiety.  

It is very common for my clients to report significant anxiety at bed time and during sleep.  They might report trouble getting to sleep, racing thoughts while trying to fall asleep, trouble staying asleep, waking up panicking, or ruminating on an event or worry. 

In this episode, we are not talking about the specific medical side of sleep disturbances.  We are talking specifically about managing sleep anxiety. 

Did you know that more than 40 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder? (according to the National Institutes of Health). And, did you know that 50% of those with GAD have a sleep disorder? These statistics blew me away and made me realize I need to be addressing this issue more often. 

I am sure you will agree that stress and anxiety may increase sleeping problems or make existing problems even worse.  Many will report that their sleep quality is much reduced when they are going through a difficult time in their lives.  

But, the real question is, which one comes first? Sleep disorder or Anxiety Disorder? We will discuss this in this episode. In this episode, we also address sleep hygiene, caffeine intake, and the importance of exercise when it comes to managing anxiety. We also talk about the importance of reducing screen time, keeping naps to a minimum and the necessity of seeing a sleep specialist if you are really struggling. 

I really hope this episode helps you manage sleep anxiety just a little better. It’s a beautiful day to do hard things, CBT School community! 

Before we go, I’d like to remind you about two amazing events coming up and a way for you to give back to the OCD community!

International OCD Foundation 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk

What: The IOCDF is hosting their 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk in Calabasas on Saturday, June 1, to increases awareness and raises funds for the IOCDF and its Local Affiliates so they can continue their mission.  I will be walking at this one!  There are many walks happening so be sure to check your area if you are interested. 

When:  June 1

Where: Juan Bautista de Anza Park | Calabasas, CA

Click HERE for more information and to register.

International OCD Foundation Annual Conference

What: Since 1993, the Annual OCD Conference has been the only national meeting focused solely on obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders. The unique event allows people with OCD and their loved ones to learn about the latest OCD treatment and information alongside the mental health professionals who care for them. The Conference features more than 100 presentations, workshops, and seminars as well as nearly two-dozen support groups and various evening events. Presenters include some of the most experienced and knowledgeable clinicians and researchers in the field, as well as people with OCD and family members sharing their stories about life with OCD.

When:  July 19-21

Where: JW Marriott Austin, Austin TX

Click HERE for more information and to buy tickets.

Giving Back

During the month of May, Shala Nicely is giving 100% of her royalties from Is Fred in the Refrigerator? Taming OCD and Reclaiming My Life to the International OCD Foundation for the conference scholarship fund. In celebration of the one-year anniversary of Fred’s publication, she hopes to raise enough money to send at least 5 people in need to the conference.  And with your help, we can send even more!

As Shala shares in the Fred chapter “Changing the OCD Mind,” going to her first IOCDF conference was life-changing: she finally learned about exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP) for OCD and actually tried the therapy on her own, realizing with amazement that ERP gave her the power to reclaim her life. 

If you have OCD, know someone with OCD, treat OCD, or have ever been curious what OCD is really like, please purchase a copy of Fred. As I wrote in my endorsement of the book, “Is Fred in the Refrigerator? is a stunning story of growth, perseverance and hope. Shala beautifully details how mental illness shaped her life, taking us with her on her brave journey through perfectionism, shame and fear. This book is the perfect combination of entertainment, education and validation for those who are on their journey to recovery from OCD, but also for any human being who wants to live courageously and joyfully.”

100% of the royalties from every book sold will directly support sending people with OCD to the IOCDF conference, where they will learn that they, too, can reclaim their lives. Thank you!