How Anxiety Impacts Sex with Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast Host Kimberley Quinlan

I cannot tell you how often I get asked about how anxiety impacts sex. Social media followers often ask questions that involve how anxiety decreases sex drive, how sexual arousal can occur at unwanted times and the impact medication has on sexual arousal and orgasm. 

In today’s episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit, we have Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy to speak about all things anxiety and sex. Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy is a certified sex therapist, psychologist, and upcoming author and she answered all of my questions on how anxiety impacts sex. 

When discussing the topic, Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy answered the following questions: 

  1. How can we refocus on the present when anxious?
  2. Does anxiety impact orgasm?
  3. Can anxiety cause sex to be painful?
  4. How to handle arousal related to unwanted, intrusive thoughts?
  5. How to manage strong feelings about sex, such as desire but also repulsion?
  6. How to manage sex hygiene?
  7. Will medication impact sexual arousal?

Instagram: @drlaurenfogelmersy

Please join the IOCDF for a special addition of Just, Ethan this Saturday, March 14 at 2 PM EST. This live stream on Facebook and YouTube will be an OCD/Coronavirus Town Hall with special guests Kimberley Quinlan and Shala Nicely. Come and bring your questions!

Please check out this really helpful article on managing anxiety over the coronavirus.