Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with all of the pressure (from work, friends, family, school, society) that we forget that the pressure we feel isn’t always mandatory.  We CAN give ourselves permission to drop the pressure and just BE.   I know! This might sound super impossible, but hear me out.

What would happen if you responded to the anxiety and pressure and stress with,

“I give myself permission to eat whatever I wanted”

“I give myself permission to have scary thoughts” (such as intrusive violent, sexual or scrupulous thoughts)

“I give myself permission to not only have these scary thoughts but also not solve what they mean about me”

“I give myself permission to allow this anxiety to be here”

“I give myself permission to be imperfect”

“I give myself permission to rest!”

“I give myself permission to just be ME”

This is some powerful stuff!

Giving yourself permission to listen to your body can be incredibly helpful when managing eating disorders (and disordered eating), Intrusive thoughts associated with Obsessive Compulsive (including harm, sexual, religious, contamination and symmetry obsessions to list a few), Social Anxiety, Perfectionism, low self-esteem and chronic anxiety and panic.

Listen to hear why this is such an important tool for managing anxiety and reducing the pressure we feel daily.